
The American Flag

Nicolás Heredia y Mota 1855 – 1901 translated from the Spanish by Edgar L. Peguero y Heredia  Tell me upon seeing the sweet rays  Of the splendid morning The majestic flag Of the stars and stripes? Yesterday upon death he prayed, Ostentatious deeds On the solid bastion. In the middle of the battle ... Between the roaring horizon Of the bombs and the bullets Walled off is the night upright, Its stars and stripes! Oh tell me if you still,  Our starry flag, Cover the roof of the brave, Cover the soil of the homeland! What is it that I glimpse There on the distant shore, And that shines upon the fog On the steep tower Where yesterday the enemy, The soldiers denied? With imposing silence What preludes the battle The breeze already reveals, Already hides it from sight … There the dawn finally lights up Its stars and stripes. Thus shines forever That venerable flag On the roof of the brave, On the soil of the homeland. Translated to Russian by Galina Lerner Американский флаг Ска...


     A cold dew settled 'er weathered face,  and long since they knew o'doting or such taste;     was a long fought look,              a trove found hence when note!


Deep steeped in moon's light sky full a starry summer's night. Muse formed by photon dust,  sliding in on glitter's gust


Rising tide and crimson light,  mustered thoughts  with each beat of heart - stand to fight,  in hopes to reach the summit. Ought!


People cheer and jeer! So loud! Hoping for its end; a longing for that solitude. A yearn and crave for that sole dark place... just can't hear myself! ELPH© January 2, 2017

Mortal Coil

ponder my time on this coil...  lost and old... don't care... just stop and fold... squandered, lost with failing prayers and blind angels... all the hope and time, from boy to man... seeking all cowardly angles and off to a lonely isle... man to old... isolation welcomed... ELPH© December 31, 2016


...solace present and center all else after... ...present and center, when? in the solace after... ELPH© December 16, 2016